Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Selamat Datang! Welcome! Ahlan Wasahlan!

I once told a dear friend of mine, "I'm not going to let people read my blog. No way. At least not for the time being..." She asked me why. I said, I'm not prepared to share my feelings to the world. That was 9 months ago.

Now, 9 months later, I'm letting people know me. Know my emotions. Something that I'm not used to cos I'm not the type of people who would share my feelings with somebody else. Not even my family nor close friends. Let alone the world. You see, I'm a very erm...nope. I am a SUPER DUPER secretive person.

Yes, I've been over-protective to myself. Who doesn't? Once I let people 'read' me, the walls that I've put around me will come tumbling down. I will be transparent.

I know..I know..I'm being ridiculous. So, after thinking for a while and put many things into considerations, I think why not? Just let go of my feelings, my thoughts. If there are things that I don't want the world to know, I don't have to write it. It's as simple as that. And by the way, who's going to read my blog? I'm lucky enough if a few of my good friends reading it.

So, here we go Blog!! Welcome to blogging world!!


  1. and a dear friend of yours says :

    "hey~ welcome girlfriend~!"

    *i wonder who azureazalea is* =p
