I'm a big fan of Grey's Anatomy & Supernatural. As I don't really have the chance to watch all episodes of these two popular tv series, I will usually keep track of the episodes online. Instead of watching it, I prefer to read the synopsis. It's faster. Here's one of the website that provides synopsis of these dramas; http://www.buddytv.com
What's really cool about this website is that it has this Game called Personality Quiz. Readers can actually know which character best suit themselves. It's simple, just answer 15 questions and you'll find out which character you are. So, I decided to take 2 quizzes. I picked "Which Grey's Anatomy Character Are You" and "Which Supernatural Character Are You." [I did mention that those two are my fav tv series right ;p ]

Wow...Meredith Grey and John, two people whose characters are totally opposite to one another.
Hmmm...I know one thing for sure, I don't drown my sorrows in tequila. The rest.....I'm not so sure. There are a few things from these characters that actually resemble me and my life but I prefer not to reveal which one.
So, what's next? More quiz? Naaaa......
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