Friday, July 3, 2020

Welcome Back Monologue

It’s been 7 years since my last post. 7 years… a baby born 7 years ago is now in Standard 1. A 20-year old teenage girl must have been married and is probably a parent now. A 70-year old grandfather might have been long gone. And myself 7 years ago is not the same me eventhough some things remain the same.

-          Sigh     -

As I went through all my previous posts, I could sense some happiness mixed with some sadness and awe.  Oh the young-emotionally-unstable-crazy-me. Guess everybody goes through that phase eh.

There were things I’ve totally forgotten about and I’m glad that I actually wrote it here. I have forgotten the details of the passing of my beloved father. 22 years have passed since his passing. He now has 7 grandchildren with another one arriving this coming November. As time goes by, little by little the pain of losing him, the hole that was there when he’s gone is slowly healed and filled with joy as our family grows bigger. Rasa bersalah. I guess that’s life. Once you’re gone, only the closest ones remembers you. Itupun lama-kelamaan, akan dilupakan. I’m sorry abah. But you’re always in my prayer.

I was driving home yesterday when I suddenly feel that I’m ok if I die now. I feel like I’m ready to go. That my family will be ok without me. No, I’m not suicidal, just some random thoughts.

Life has been both good and bad. Good in a way that I can afford some luxury. And as usual, bad in personal life. Some things are not as easy as I thought they would be. How I wish doraemon door is real so I could turn back time and change things.


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