Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ini entry rindu. I dreamt of UK last night. I was there and it was snowing and I had a great time playing with snow. The dream seemed real cus in it, I kind of remember that it's almost December and it's quite early for UK especially Norwich to snow at this time. When I woke up, I can only think of Norwich and UK and how good it is to be there. 

I miss getting on the flight. I miss the long hour flight. I miss the transit. I miss the airport. I miss the on-flight foods. I miss UK. I miss Norwich. I miss the cold weather. I miss the casual rainy days. I miss the apartment. I miss  the biryani rice from the restaurant across the street. I miss the people. I miss the feeling of safety while walking around the foreign streets in UK. I miss winter. I miss the frozen lakes and the rivers and how I always love walking on the ice in an attempt to break it. I miss snow. I miss going to perfume kiosk of Debenhams Norwich and just spent hours there sniffing at all perfumes. Over and over and over till the shop closed. I miss going to M&S to shop for foods. I miss going into luxury boutiques without that can-you-afford-it?-look. I miss the sincerity of British people especially when I shop. They smile at you nicely. I miss Lotus. I miss the routes from the apartment to Lotus. I miss the sceneries. I miss the river in Norwich. I miss getting myself a cup of coffe from Starbucks and enjoyed it in the cold weather. I miss the ducks at Lotus. I miss spring. I miss Sakura. I miss Wales. God..I miss everything about UK. Rindunya...

But it's hard to share this feeling with other people. Ada orang yang akan salah sangka and bam...i will be regarded exact words to say it. Pathetic.

Friday, November 23, 2012

24112012: 12.20am

AlFatihah buatmu Mohd Aliff Rosli. Ya Allah, ampunkanlah segala dosanya. Rahmatilah rohnya. Tempatkannya di kalangan insan-insan yang Kau sayangi. Amiin...


Ya Allah, sesungguhnya setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati. Life is too short. Semalam kita tengok org tu elok jek. Sedar2 esok dah takde. 

Semalam aku mimpi mak hilang. Puas aku cari mak tapi tak jumpa-jumpa. Real sungguh mimpi tu. Bila sedar jek, aku mengucap panjang. Aku tak mampu lagi hidup tanpa mak. Aku jarang balik rumah. Kol mak pun jarang tapi sungguh, aku masih belum bersedia untuk kehilangannya. Sedangkan abah takde pun sampai sekarang aku masih sedih, ni kan pulak mak.

People always take life for granted. Me included. We, humans, never realize how important things or people are, until they're gone. Pathetic. Isn't it?